General information
How do I watch the concert?
To watch any of our streaming concerts, you need to Sign Up to BLUEFROG+ and purchase a subscription. You can find additional information in the Q&A in the Login and Payment section.
Will I be able to watch streaming concerts from any location?
Yes. All our concerts are available worldwide as long as you have an internet connection.
Will I be able to replay the concert?
Yes. Video replays are included in your subscription. Add the concert as a Favourite for quick access.
Login & Payment
How do I login and watch?
If you already have a login and subscription, simply go to BLUEFROG+ and click the Sign In button. Otherwise, you either need to sign up and have a valid subscription.
How do I sign up and create an account?
Step 1. Go to BLUEFROG+ and click the Sign Up button.
Step 2. Enter the Email Address you wish to use as the login and desired password.
Step 3. Accept the Terms and Conditions and press the Create account button.
Step 4. Fill in your First Name and Last Name.
Step 5. Choose your subscription plan (either Monthly or Yearly). Note: you will save 2 months by choosing the Yearly.
Step 6. Enter your credit card information.
Step 7. Enjoy watching over 100 live recorded concerts plus new concerts added frequently.
How do I reset my password?
Step 1. Click on the Sign In button.
Step 2. Click on the Forgot Password link below the password field on the login screen.
Step 3. Enter your Email Address and press the Submit button.
Step 4. Check your email for a Token that you use to choose a new password.
Step 5. Copy the Token and paste it into the Token field. Choose a New Password and press the Submit button.
Your password will be updated. Please login with your Email Address and new Password.
If you do not receive an email with a password reset token or still having trouble connecting, please contact
Can I watch on multiple devices with my account?
Yes! But not at the same time.
I've paid and logged in, when can I watch the live show?
Livestream concerts will not be seen until the actual concert date and start time (eg. 7pm) Before that time, you will see a photo of the artist with a countdown clock showing the actual time remaining until the start time.
Is payment on your site secure?
Yes! All sensitive data we handle is sent via SSL.
This is not indicated as a site-wide use of HTTPS as it is not; it’s purely the calls that need to be made via HTTPS such as private user details or payment information.
The security of the site is visible using any website inspection tool.
Why was my credit card declined?
Credit or debit card can be declined in the following cases:
1. Lack of funding.
2. The fraud control system flagged the user as suspicious.
Please contact your bank. For additional questions or assistance please search at the Inplayer Support Center.
What is a CVV number and how do I find it?
The CVV Number (“Card Verification Value”) is the 3 digit number located at the back of your VISA®, MasterCard® and Discover® branded credit and debit cards. On your American Express® branded credit or debit card it is a 4 digit numeric code.
Where can I find your Terms and Conditions?
By creating an account you automatically agree to the Terms & Conditions. You can find our terms and conditions on the following link:Terms & Conditions
How do I play this on my TV?
There are many methods to play our premium concerts on your TV and sound system. By far the easiest is to mirror your mobile device onto the TV. Your phone would need to use some type of external device to connect. Some newer TV's have this device built in while others rely on a "box" like Roku or Apple TV or Google Chromecast.
Check your method's documentation on how to connect your phone. From there, it is just a matter of your phone browsing to and signing in.
Here are some articles to help you get set up:
Apple TV Mirror or Airplay
Google Chromecast,news-18335.html
For a non-Smart TV Setup:Use a laptop HDMI output, & connect it to an HDMI input on your TV.